Taking a nap is like a system reboot. It relieves stress and can give you a fresh start.


  1. Look for a good place to nap. Find a comfortable and silent place for nap time. 

  2. Don’t nap after 4 PM. Taking a short nap in the middle of the afternoon can give your energy levels a boost. You’re most likely to fall asleep between noon and 4 PM, which matches the low point of the body’s circadian cycle. However, napping after 4 PM  may make it difficult for you to fall asleep at night.

  3. Take a Nappuccino. Drinking a cup of coffee followed by a 20-minute rest can give you an effective siesta that will fuel your afternoon. While you nap, the caffeine passes through the small intestine and gets absorbed into your bloodstream. The caffeine then kickstarts your brain chemistry by using the receptors normally occupied by adenosine, a chemical compound in your brain known for causing drowsiness.


  4. Limit your nap to 20 minutes. A short nap is usually recommended for short-term alertness. This type of nap provides significant benefits for improved alertness and performance without leaving you feeling groggy or interfering with nighttime sleep.